New server for new app

Well, a new Linode server with LUKS has been build to support this website and a branch of new applications. Build a LUKS encrypted system on a VPS is an exciting experience. However, sometimes, it seems stupid to do so. Since an admin who records every keystroke will easily record the password for LUKS. But my password is not for Linode, but for its hardware maintainer. I do not think Linode will record custom’s keystroke in their Lish console, at least not publicly. If they record it privately, it will only be available to a little part of their organization. So that if a disgraceful programmer wanted to record every file created in all Linode systems, he/she would not get my password to do it, though I’m not sure.

Of course, everyone who wants to get the LUKS key can do it by analyzing the memory. But it needs time and attention. So, hopefully, if people can put very sensitive like customers’ credit card numbers on Linode server without any encrypt, perhaps I can put my diary on it too.

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